George McGhee, CEO of NetThings describes systems that are revolutionising the home energy market.
The Internet Of Things has hit the consumer in 2016 in a craze not last seen since the internet itself in the 1990s or the rise of the smartphone almost ten years ago.
It has been a market dominated by the biggest industry names such as Samsung and Microsoft, those with the financial backing to bring the consumer new convenient technology quickly.
This has become the norm for consumers, looking to save money and time in a very fast moving world. No longer is there a reliance on a home telephone, a fax machine or even a scanner.
With today’s smartphones you can do all of those things in seconds.
The Internet of Things is taking this convenience to a whole new level, and it is something we are very excited about. Now, with those same few seconds that can be used to scan and send an email on your phone, you can switch your heating and lighting on and off, boil your kettle as your morning alarm sounds and even set your washing machine to start and finish when the sun comes out.
We have been developing systems that are revolutionising the home energy market. Our systems are self-learning and profile consumer’s energy use, alerting them when they exceed limits, to help them to save at least 10% off utility bills.
It has a built in web server and WiFi access point enabling it to transmit energy data costs, in monetary value that they will understand, without relying on any local access network or mobile infrastructure.
Saving money off your utility bills is only the beginning. If you love your tech and want to transform your home here are some other up and coming innovative products we love that are set to transform the home:
- Audio Devices: Sonos. Maybe the most recognisable name in new home technology. No longer is there a need for wires. The Sonos wireless sound system works by connecting one single device to your home network to play music, from either online or local sources, before adding more Sonos devices that all connect using a secure wireless mesh network known as Sonosnet.
- Gardening: Edyn is one of the first in this market, producing smart products for watering and monitoring household yards, gardens, and plants. Edyn keeps you connected to your garden, so you always know precisely what’s needed to keep your plants healthy. Its solar-powered garden sensor sits in your soil to continuously monitor environmental conditions in real time.
- Health & Wellness: Products that assist families in maintaining their health and lifestyle, such as MedMinder Pill Dispenser and Medication Management Services and Beddit, the most comprehensive and accurate sleep tracker and wellness coach, changing the way you sleep through analysis of data while you sleep.
- Home Robots: The robot designed specifically for maintenance and assistance in a home environment. These include robotic assistant Jibo, the world’s first social, friendly and intelligent robot and home cleaning robot Neato.
- Lighting: Philips Hue was just the beginning. Other startups such as Switchmate are going beyond the bulb and building app-controllable light switches.
Pet/Baby Monitors: Petcube are the big movers. What started as a point to point camera system is getting smarter. Now you can control everything from your smart phone. Imagine talking and playing with you dog when you can’t be there, drawing their attention and releasing treats with the push of a button.
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