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Episode 2: Transport and logistics
Available to watch now on You Tube (running time 59:55)
Hosted by science and technology writer Gemma Milne, CENSIS Conversations is a series of long-form discussions exploring the use of sensing, imaging and IoT technologies in different subject areas. By bringing together diverse groups of people – from technology developers to end users – who share a common interest in the subject, we hope to offer thought-provoking discussions that analyse subjects from different angles.
Joining Gemma for this discussion are:
- Steve Cassidy, Director, Fuse Mobility
- Amye Ferguson, Senior Project Officer, Aberdeen City Council
- Tom Rafferty, Head of Innovation, Cofficient IoT
- Cade Wells, Business Development Manager, CENSIS
The Conversation
In this conversation the group discuss challenges and opportunities around innovation in the transport industry, and how sensing, imaging and IoT technologies are being used to respond.
This wide ranging conversation covers subjects such as Mobility as a Service and the move away from car ownership towards a culture of the multi-modal travel both in cities and rural areas, to smart journey planning, fleet management, vehicle tracking, generating efficiencies for transport operators and end users, predictive maintenance, data transparency and ethics, and hydrogen vehicles, as well as attitudes and responses to travel and transport in the wake of Covid-19. Running through the conversation is the importance all parties place on having accurate, reliable data from sensors for decision making.
A number of examples of projects and activities happening in Scotland are provided, including CIVITAS PORTIS, an EU funded project based in Aberdeen looking at sustainable mobility solutions in port cities.
A full transcript of this Conversation is also available (PDF).