- Business Development Executive
- University of Glasgow vacancy reference: 061127
- Grade/pay scale: UoG G7 (£35,845 – £40,322 pa)
- Closing date: 22 July 2021
How to apply
To apply, go to the University of Glasgow vacancies page, and search using the reference number above or simply type ‘CENSIS’ into the keyword search.
About the posts
Two positions are offered on a full-time (35 hours p/w) and open-ended basis with a funding end date of 31 July 2023.
CENSIS is hosted by the University of Glasgow and works with universities, industry, and Scotland’s economic development agencies to encourage innovation within Scottish industry. This innovation adoption process typically leads to the development of new products and services or the use of technology to improve business operations.
This role offers a significant career development opportunity for a high-calibre technical recent graduate with a desire to develop their innovation and business development skills.
Reporting to the CENSIS Business Development Director, you will will work alongside colleagues to develop relationships with multiple parties in HEIs, industry and the public sector in order to generate project leads which address an industry-defined problem and result in an economic benefit to Scotland.
Further details
Main Duties and Responsibilities
- To use a variety of mechanisms (direct contact, conferences, workshops, referrals, self-initiated) to help develop networking and communication channels across stakeholder groups to foster closer working relationships and to develop CENSIS’ profile.
- Assist with providing an outward-looking interface for the Scottish HEIs and industry researching and/or developing sensors, imaging and IoT systems.
- To identify consultancy and collaborative R&D project opportunities with a value from a few thousand pounds to over £100k.
- To support the development of pipelines of projects across individual companies, industry/academic collaborations, and the public sector.
- Build an up-to-date awareness of funding mechanisms (e.g. HIE, SE, IUK, EU) and help match these to the financial resources available in the Centre, Industry, and HEIs with a view of developing collaborative projects.
- Assist with the negotiation of resources for projects amongst all partners and help agree project deliverables and resources. These activities will include negotiating financial support for proposals from industry, external funding sources, or development agencies. Work with other CENSIS staff to help to ensure there are no ‘road-block’ issues such as IP ownership, equipment / resource access etc. in the project.
- Work with Business Development colleagues, CENSIS’ contracts team and Project Manager, before and after approval, to help negotiate and support the preparation of project contracts, offer letters, schedules etc to meet the needs of the project. This will include successful contract sign-off, agreeing payment terms, and project deliverables.
- After successful contract signing, work with colleagues to effect an efficient project handover to the technical delivery team. Where required, support the relationship between CENSIS and the project partners to ensure open and effective communications.
- Contribute to client management throughout the delivery phase of the projects until project completion. Work with the project parties, as appropriate, through the delivery phase to ensure any opportunities for follow on activity are captured and actioned.
- Monitoring of your activities and objectives achieved and report their progress at weekly Business Development team meetings and to other interested parties, as required.
- Develop and undertake a programme of structured professional development with support from the CENSIS Business Development team.
Knowledge, Qualifications, Skills and Experience
Knowledge/Qualifications: Essential
- A1 Scottish Credit and Qualification Framework level 9,10 or 11 (Ordinary/Honours Degree, Post Graduate Qualification), or equivalent, including being professionally qualified in relevant discipline, e.g. electronic engineering, applied physics or computer science.
Knowledge/Qualifications: Desirable
- B1 Knowledge of current and potential developments related to aspects of university research and the funding of research in a university
- B2 An understanding of university-business engagement mechanisms and the opportunities and challenges associated with these
- B3 An understanding of the dynamics of industrial and government research funding especially for collaborative research and development programmes
- B4 Awareness of the contractual, legal and financial matters in relation to research contracts, collaborative agreements, confidentiality agreements, consultancy agreements, service agreements and other such documents relevant to this type of transaction
Skills: Essential
- C1 Ability to relate to and work with internal and external stakeholders in developing consensual solutions to problems, using independent initiative and judgement
- C2 Entrepreneurial attitude with necessary persistence and drive to help bring projects to a conclusion
- C3 Analytical & problem solving skills
- C4 Ability to plan and manage own activities, progressing work activities within agreed guidelines
- C5 Ability to interact effectively and build relationships with people within HEIs, companies and the public sector to support achievement of CENSIS and wider University objectives and initiatives.
- C6 Effective written and oral communication skills
- C7 Effective team working skills
Experience: Essential
- E1 Experience of research or technology development either in academia (e.g. undertaking a PhD/EngD project or post-doc position) or industry
Experience: Desirable
- F1 Some demonstrable experience and expertise in financial management.
- F2 Experience of assisting in the management of events, workshops or networks involving members of the business and/or HEI community
- F3 Experience of relevant business-related activities, including relationship and project management in a collaborative context
- F4 Awareness of project development and / or exploitation of research outcomes
- F5 Practical experience of assisting in the preparation of grant or contract proposals and the processes involved
- Job is based in Glasgow but is likely to involve an element of travel primarily within Scotland and the UK.
- The successful applicant will be supported and mentored and will be expected to play an increasing role in all aspects of business development. This includes the following, on a day-to-day basis:
- Financial: To help develop collaborative projects between the Centre, HEIs and Industry. To assist in the delivery of projects for the Centre in line with the business plan as updated from time to time by the Business Development Director.
- Operational: Work with a wide range of industrial and academic contacts to promote the activities of the centre and the market opportunities in sensing, imaging and IoT markets.
- Administrative: Help prepare project plans, applications and any external funding proposals to support the above projects.
Planning and organising
Accountable for planning own weekly workload, delegated by the Business Development Director, to undertake effective business development activities with industry and academic partners helping to ensure that projects and networking activities are coordinated, planned and managed.
Decision making
- Based on their technical knowledge provide day to day support, advice and guidance to Centre staff, academic staff, partners and contracts teams to help enable decisions in relation to the costing and pricing of collaborative R&D programmes.
- To provide input, when required, to help Centre staff determine the best approach to a project to deliver value to all partners.
Internal/External Relationships
- To work closely with other business-facing areas of the Centre and HEI partners (e.g. Business Development staff within the individual institutions) to help deliver an integrated approach to business engagement.
- To work closely with industrial contacts, HEI representatives and other Centre staff to help build cohesive links with businesses, other HEIs and public sector organisations.
- To support CENSIS Business Development Managers in the management of key relationships with all stakeholders, in relation to the Centre’s collaborative project opportunities.
- To represent the Centre at external meetings, developing networks with businesses and other stakeholders regionally, nationally, and occasionally internationally.
Problem Solving
Develop and implement flexible and pragmatic solutions to address challenges as they arise.
To support CENSIS Business Development Managers analyse and interpret market research data and marketing intelligence to inform the development of marketing approaches.
Terms and Conditions
- Please note that there are 2x roles available.
- Salary will be on the Management, Professional and Administrative Grade, level 7, £35,845 – £40,322 per annum.
- This post is full time and open ended with a funding end date of 31 July 2023.
- New entrants to the University will be required to serve a probationary period of 6 months.
- The successful applicant will be eligible to join the Universities’ Superannuation Scheme.
- Further information regarding the scheme is available from the Superannuation Officer, who is also prepared to advise on questions relating to the transfer of Superannuation benefits.
- Vacancy reference: 061127; closing date: 22 July 2021