Landmark Forest Adventure Park, a nature-based theme and adventure park in Carrbridge near Aviemore, is working with CENSIS and using IoT to optimise its operations and enhance the experience of its 160,000 annual visitors.
CENSIS has installed LoRaWAN sensors across the park, including at the entry and exit points of its 23 attractions, to monitor real-time visitor flow and support data-driven business decisions.
The system provides insights into visitor behaviour, highlighting peak times for popular attractions and showing how a number of different factors, such as weather conditions, can affect operations. By tracking how visitors patterns, it enables the team to pinpoint key areas for future improvements and developments.
In addition to monitoring attractions, sensors have been placed in the catering areas to provide additional information on how many visitors are using each outlet at any given time.
The data collected will also be used to help guide future investment decisions, ensuring new attractions and enhancements are strategically aligned with visitor preferences.o offer.”
As part of the next phase, CENSIS will integrate data from a network of 200 local weather stations.
The initiative formed part of CENSIS’s IoT Evolve programme, which was funded by the Scottish Government and Highlands and Islands Enterprise (HIE) to support organisations in the region with the development and application of IoT technologies.