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IoT Evolve

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Evolving IoT in the Highlands and Islands

With the generous support of the Scottish Government and Highlands and Islands Enterprise (HIE),  IoT Evolve provides support for step-change transformation for SMEs in the HIE region through the use or development of IoT. We want to support activities that can generate benefit for:

  • Products – the quality, value or delivery of a product (or a service)
  • Processes – using IoT to generate efficiencies, increase effectiveness, or save time
  • People – improving employee wellbeing, e.g., reducing stress or strain or creating new jobs, particularly real living wage and/or ‘green’ jobs
  • Planet – meeting net zero targets and reducing business carbon footprint

How CENSIS can help

Running until summer 2024 there are three programme strands:

  1. Helping businesses use IoT to solve a challenge or explore an opportunity in any market sector
  2. Helping businesses use IoT specifically to reduce their company’s carbon footprint
  3. Research to understand how global IoT trends can be applied to the Highlands and Islands

Support is available to SMEs in any market sector, however we are particularly interested in companies working in renewable energy, manufacturing, food and drink, health and wellness, and tourism.