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Overview of our 2016 event

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Sensing in the connected world

From sensors in smartphones to ones that fit in your pocket or on your wrist, the growth in personal sensors is helping us to lead more active, healthier and interconnected lives. Even some of our normal routines are now transforming us into citizen scientists, helping us to understand how we, and the environment around us, can have an impact on each other’s health and wellbeing.

Distributed and networked systems are paving the way for the realisation of smart cities and communities and are transforming the productivity of businesses across a whole range of markets – from agriculture and manufacturing, to subsea exploration and environmental monitoring.

Technical Themes & Session Chairs

Connected Self

  • Investigating the growth in personal sensing – from clinical health to sports technologies and beyond.
  • Chair: Sharon Moore, IBM UK

Connected Community

  • Exploring how distributed sensor systems impact the world around us – from smart cities, the environment, pollution, traffic and transport.
  • Chair: Matthew Chalmers, University of Glasgow

Connected Business

  • How SIS and IoT solutions are making companies smarter and more productive.
  • Chair: Craig Samuel, JT Group