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The power of partnerships

Enabling digital technologies have the potential to transform the world we live in.

However, when it comes to major challenges, individual companies or organisations can struggle to significant change on their own.

Sometime, truly long-lasting impact happen only when groups of innovators with specialist skills combine their knowledge and work together to deliver larger, ambitious pieces programmes of work.

Programme Partners include

Active programmes

Milk Round Accelerator (Digital Dairy Chain)

Running until 2026, the Milk Round helps individuals and SMEs fast-track innovative technologies for the dairy industry. The Milk Round is part of the £24.9M UKRI Strength in Places-funded Digital Dairy Chain.

5G Innovation Regions

CENSIS is a partner in the Glasgow City 5G Innovation Region programme, an initiative from the Department for Science, Innovation and Technology to boost local economies through the use of 5G and advanced wireless technologies.


CENSIS and Scotland’s CivTech programme have a strategic partnership to support the development of new technologies that can tackle some of the biggest challenges facing our public services.

Previous programmes

IoTUK Boost (2016)

CENSIS was one of only four regional partners to deliver IoTUK Boost, designed to amplify the UK’s IoT capability and opportunities.

IoT Business Support (2018-20)

Funded by the Scottish Government, this programme supported the transformative potential of IoT across key growth industries in Scotland. Activities included industry workshops, IoT2Go – a starter IoT kit for businesses with no in-house expertise, and the guides ‘Getting started in IoT’ and ‘Cyber security and IoT’.

IoT Cyber Challenge (2019-24)

IoT Cyber Challenge saw CENSIS work with organisations across Scotland to educate, demonstrate best practice, and improve access to IoT cyber security expertise. The programme comprised workshops, hackathons, a business accelerator and the IoT Secure service.

Petras (2021-23)

PETRAS – Privacy, Ethics, Trust, Reliability, Accessibility and Security – was a consortium of 24 organisations including CENSIS working together to combat threats to IoT, AI and machine learning. PETRAS was the research wing of UKRI‘s Security of Digital Technologies at the Periphery initiative.

Peoplehood (2021-24)

Led by Blackwood Homes and Care, this £12M programme from the UKRI’s Industrial Strategy Challenge Fund Healthy Ageing Challenge, this programme used IoT and other enabling technologies to help older people live healthier, independent lives.

IoT Evolve (2022-24)

A programme supporting SMEs in the Highlands and Island to develop or incorporate IoT in their business to create products, introduce efficiencies, improve employee wellbeing and reduce their business carbon footprint.