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Research to understand the potential for IoT in HIE

Home > Programmes > IoT Evolve > Research to understand the potential for IoT in HIE

Evolving to embrace the future

For the third and final strand of the programme, CENSIS will undertake research into global trends in IoT to see how they can be applied to areas of economic importance to the Highlands and Islands.

We’ll explore trends and look at where IoT is being applied to best effect for positive economic, social and environmental impact across the world. We’ll then look to see how these trends can be adopted within the Highlands and Islands.

Our research will involve looking at trends across markets of importance and relevance to the HIE region, e.g., this might include tourism, food and drink, agriculture, aquaculture and environmental, but may include opportunities in other sectors where we identify them.

Our process

Stage 1: With the support of subject matter experts, we will review the global landscape to understand the adoption of IoT across key market sectors.

Stage 2: To understand the local landscape, we’ll want to talk with local stakeholder groups that will include workshops, 1-2-1 interviews, and the implementation and outcomes of projects and activities from the first and second strands of the IoT Evolve programme.

Stage 3: After we identify opportunities for IoT adoption in the HIE region, we will report our findings to HIE along with our recommended actions.

How will the findings be used?

At CENSIS, we’ll use the report findings to help SMEs overcome barriers to IoT adoption, for example, through upskilling staff, increasing technology understanding, or helping to influence changes in policy or regulation.